• fragments
  • ( aa. )

alec andrade (gemacht.)



in montreal, a constant stream of art and architecture through which i see myself, confronted with the loneliness, wonder and hope of creation. across multiple scenarios, i occupy a continuous space somewhere between observation. reflection. activation. a personal history nobody's watching. you could be broken, you think. and yet you're here. you're taken.

art credits: "compound eye" graham caldwell (arsenal). "#dominicanwomengooglesearch" joiri minaya (the darling foundry). "migration" mat chivers (arsenal). "mirror" anish kapoor + "cierra" john de andrea (arsenal). "femme tourmentée" andré masson (public art, old port). "patterns of thought" mr. hydde / work by various artists on shelves / "timber wolf" j. adams (pink espace). "coy" deborah anzinger (the darling foundry). cat and mouse paintings and abstract painting over corrugated metal (from private collection at la loggia b&b). "standing owl" thomas houseago (arsenal). "eternity" nicolas baier (arsenal).

architecture: parc espace faubourg québec. griffintown. grain silos. old port. habitat 67. montreal skyline from parc du mont-royal. biosphère. (OCT 17-19 2019)